Day 6: These… are the days… of our cleanse

When I was younger, my grandma used to watch all of the soap operas all day long.  Guiding light, General Hospital, The Young and The Restless (this last one I am referencing me, not the soap). I think spending all day at home with the fruits and veggies has made me stir crazy.  I picture Continue reading →

Day 5: Retribution

Today I finally found Gaston’s juice nemesis – the ‘blood purifier’. The juice looked deceiving tasty, it was a uniform lime green, looking healthy and welcoming. But then, like celery busting down the door at the party – it hits him. His eyes crinkle, his lips purse, and his hands clench.  He finds his breath Continue reading →

Day 4: Cleanse Tips 101

The ONLY way for you to survive a cleanse without killing your partner is to do all of your prepping in advance. Period. The night before you gather and wash all your veggies.  You separate them into their recipe groups, slice, dice, and package them up for the next day.  You rise in the morning Continue reading →

Day 3: Contemplating Celery

My poo was legitimately green today. We all have that one friend / co-worker / family member that is the Debbie Downer.  When everyone is out having a good time, she’s got to point out what’s wrong and bring everyone down.  Everything she says has a ‘whah whaaaaa’ attached at the end. Celery ruins shakes Continue reading →

Why Cleanse If I Like Being Dirty Inside?

Some idiot (me) decided it would be a good idea to “do a cleanse” after the gluttonous holiday season.  This 30-day cleanse would ‘flush the body of toxins,’ causing our skin to become clearer and glow. Our organs would be surrounded by rainbows and held in place by magical unicorns. • • • We publicly Continue reading →